I usually spend a little time every morning listening to or reading Garrison Keillor's "Writer's Almanac" on NPR. Keillor's voice is a pleasure to hear, and somehow reminds me of the days in New England listening to Robert J.
Lurtsema's "Morning Pro Musica" on Boston's WGBH. Lurtsema even read the news of the day like no other. (Edward R. Murrow, of course, is a class unto himself, as I've written earlier here in the pages of Reckonings; but he didn't do music.)
Anyway, I was getting to Garrison Keillor's daily reminders of notable birthdays, and happened this morning on an extraordinarily diverse October 20 collection: Jelly Roll Morton, Christopher Wren, Arthur Rimbaud, John Dewey, Art Buchwald and Robert Pinsky.