I'm a few days late, but I just came across the following informative and sobering numbers in the Nutrition Action Healthletter, which I unreservedly recommend to all.
Earth Day by the Numbers
66 is the percentage of grain fed to animals, 4500 is the number of gallons of water needed to produce a quarter-pound of beef.
1 pound: the amount of fertilizer needed to produce 3 pounds of cooked beef
5 times as much: the irrigation water used to grow feed grains compared to fruits and vegetables
5 tons: the soil lost annually to erosion on an average acre of cropland
7 pounds: the amount of corn needed to add 1 pound of weight to feedlot cattle (some of that weight gain is not edible meat)
19 percent: the proportion of all methane, a greenhouse gas, emitted by cattle and other livestock
41 percent: the share of irrigated land planted in livestock feed crops
66 percent: the proportion of grain that ends up as livestock feed at home or abroad
331: the number of odor-causing chemicals in hog manure
4,500 gallons: the rain and irrigation water needed to produce a quarter-pound of raw beef
8,500 square miles: the size of the “dead zone” created in the Gulf of Mexico by fertilizer runoff carried by the Mississippi from the upper Midwest
33 million: the number of cars needed to produce the same level of global warming as is caused by the methane gas emitted by livestock and their manure
22 billion pounds: the amount of fertilizer used annually to grow feed grains for American livestock
3.3 trillion pounds: the amount of livestock manure produced annually
17 trillion gallons: the amount of irrigation water used annually to produce feed for U.S. livestock
Source: Six Arguments for a Greener Diet by Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., and the Staff of the Center for Science in the Public Interest
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