One of the joys of having good friends, particularly friends who share common commitments and interests, is that they have their eyes open and alert for topics and representations of common commitments I may otherwise have missed. Such is often the case with Al Braidwood. In this instance he and I and all of our meditation circle at The Redwoods had the deeply engaging experience of sharing the reading of Frank Ostaseski's remarkable book, Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully.
Al sent me more recently an essay Frank wrote in the May 2018 issue of the Buddhist journal, Lion's Roar. Not a substitute for but an extension of Frank's book, the essay focuses more particularly on the unusual and often treasured, often painful friendship that can, if all to briefly, develop between those in the last days of their lives and those whose privilege it is to care for them during that time. The vigiling (VALE) program we have developed at The Redwoods has offered a few of us, including Al and me, the opportunity of that experience. In his own introductory reflections on Frank's essay, Al puts that opportunity into remarkably insightful context:
"l have always perceived friendship as the highest form of relationship because it is entirely volitional and has no built-in 'a priori' set of obligations or expectations except those which spontaneously arise and form in the course of the friendship itself. The Japanese use the word kenzoku (literally meaning 'family') to describe a bond between people who have made similar choices in life and who presumably share a similar destiny. Since we live in community at The Redwoods, we may have people here with whom we feel that beautiful bond implied by the word kenzoku. In the Celtic tradition, there is in use an old Gaelic term for 'soul friend,' 'anam cara.' The term was popularized by the Irish priest, philosopher and poet John O’Donohue in his 1997 book Anam Cara about Celtic spirituality. In that tradition, 'soul friends' are considered an essential part of one’s spiritual development. Commenting on this friendship, Donohue explains, “you are joined in an ancient and eternal union with humanity that cuts across all barriers of time, convention, philosophy and definition. When you are blessed with an anam cara, you have arrived at that most sacred place: home.'"
Here is Frank Ostaseski's essay:
How to Be a Friend Until the End
MAY 29, 2018 | LION’S ROAR
A friend or family member shares the news of a life-threatening diagnosis or we see them stumble on a curb or over their words, and in that moment we realize that we’re about to become a companion to someone facing death. Perhaps it’s a conscious choice. Maybe we feel we have no choice.
It’s important in the beginning to remember that we already know how to care. We’ve extended a helping hand hundreds of times in a thousand meaningful and loving ways. Caring is a natural expression of our humanity. We can trust our good hearts to be reliable guides.
Offering care is like meditation, there’s no one right way, but some basic guidelines and practice can help.
Embrace Impermanence
Recognition of the transience of life is a central tenet of Buddhism. Impermanence is an essential truth woven into the very fabric of existence. It’s inescapable and perfectly natural. How we meet that truth makes a world of difference.
One of the most exquisite of Japanese terms, mono no aware, expresses an aesthetic sensibility that’s challenging to translate. It speaks to a gentle sadness—to being deeply moved by the transient, finite nature of things. It doesn’t deny loss or bypass grief but reminds us that the beauty of things and our appreciation of those dear to us is heightened by our awareness of their ephemeral nature.
Isn’t it the fragility and brevity of the cherry blossom, or morning light, or cresting wave that captivates us and invites us into wonder and gratitude?
Enter Mindfully
In the Zen tradition, we have the practice of dokusan, a face-to-face meeting with the teacher. The student is instructed to wait outside the teacher’s door and gather herself. She has no idea what’s waiting for her on the other side of the door. She has no idea what the teacher will ask, or perhaps even what she most needs. She does her best to be ready, flexible, and open.
Going into the room of someone who’s ill or dying is like going for dokusan. Empty your mind, open your heart, and enter with fresh eyes. Once in the room, sit down, talk less, and listen more. Touch when appropriate.
Be a Calm Presence
When we’re caring for someone who’s sick, we lend them our body. We use the strength of our backs and arms to move them from the bed to the commode. In the same way, we can also lend them the strength of our mind. We can help to create a calm and accepting environment. We can be a reminder of stability and concentration. We can expand our heart in such a way that it can inspire the individual who’s dying to expand theirs. One calm person in the room can ease the entire experience for everybody.
You Are Enough
We’re always messing with ourselves—telling ourselves what we should be experiencing, trying hard to be someone special, hoping we’re doing it all in the right way. Often in spiritual practice and in caregiving, we set some goal of where we think we ought to be and then use that to not be where we are.
I’m guided by the counsel of Carl Rogers, the great humanistic psychologist:
“Before every session, I take a moment to remember my humanity. There is no experience that this man, this woman has that I cannot share with him, no fear that I cannot understand, no suffering that I cannot care about, because I too am human. No matter how deep his wound, he does not need to be ashamed in front of me. I too am vulnerable. And because of this, I am enough. Whatever his story, he no longer needs to be alone with it. This is what will allow his healing to begin.”
No Advice
Some of us reach too quickly for our version of a prescription pad, doling out unsolicited advice. While our intentions may be genuine, we can be blissfully insensitive to the way we impact others. The attachment to the role of helper runs deep for most of us. If we’re not careful, it will imprison us and those we serve. Let’s face it: if I am going to be a helper, then somebody has to be helpless.
Is what you want to say true? Is it helpful? Is it the right time?
Wise speech is a mindfulness practice. Words can heal or harm. Before speaking, pause. Silence has the benefit of slowing things down. Ask yourself, is what you want to say true? Is it helpful? Is it the right time? And, maybe most important, is it wanted? If the other person doesn’t want to hear it, you may not need to say it. But at times we do need to speak whether the other person likes it or not. In such situations it’s more likely to go well if you follow the other guidelines covered in this article.
Turn Toward Suffering
An integral part of healing is letting go. But there’s no letting go until there’s letting in. As James Baldwin once wrote, “Not everything that can be faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed that is not faced.”
Suffering is exacerbated by avoidance. Our attempts at self-protection cause us to live in a cramped corner of our lives. We accept a limited perspective of the situation and a restricted view of ourselves. We cling to what’s familiar in order to reassert control, thinking we can fend off what we fear will be intolerable. When we push back, hoping to get rid of a difficult experience, we’re actually encapsulating it. In short, what we resist persists.
Suffering will only be removed by wisdom cultivated through inquiry, not by drenching it in sunshine or attempting to bury it in a dark basement. Compassion manifests through the medium of fearless receptivity.
Love Heals
The boundlessness of love is made evident when the veils between this world and the invisible world are thinnest. At birth and death, love can melt division, allowing us to move beyond what we thought possible.
When someone is sick, when their body is ravaged by illness, when they can no longer function in their familiar roles, when their identity is shifting daily, many people feel unloveable. When someone believes they’re beyond love, you cannot convince them to love themselves. But you can show them that they’re loved.
When someone is sick or suffering, love them. Just love them. Love them until they can remember to love themselves again.

In addition to his book, Five Invitations, Frank Ostaseski is the founder of the Metta Institute, co-founder of the Zen Hospice Project, and a coordinating teacher for a new multiyear training program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center called Heavenly Messengers: Awakening Through Illness, Aging, and Death. Frank is the 2018 recipient of the Humanities Award from the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.